How To Improve your Handwriting? | 9 Tips for Nice Handwriting |
Are you struggling for How To Improve your Handwriting?. Hello everyone we are back again with another beautiful article. Here we are going to be find out about some recommendations on the way to improve your handwriting.
The main focus has been given on:
1) Your sitting posture
2) Way of holding your writing tool .
3) Letter and word spacing
4) Slants used
5) Connecting letters (For cursive writing)
6) style of pen or pencil used
7) Letter tangles
8) kind of writing tools
9) Handwriting practice
Here are 9 Tips for Nice Handwriting
Firstly we’re actually matters is your sitting posture especially your shoulders it should be very relaxed. Don’t droop down or be very stiff, sit comfortably and if you are a right-handed person place the correct corner of the book or the page high off taste the page towards your left. And if you’re a left-handed person place the left corner high or tilt the page towards the proper.
Next important thing is your grip or the way you hold your pen different individuals have a special style so prefer the one which you’re comfortable with and use a soft grip don’t hold your pen too tightly because it can result in hand fatigue.
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